Nested Object

So far we've just put the image information as properties on our NoteEditorSchema, but the id, file, and altText fields are really all just part of a single object: An image. So it would be better to represent this as a nested set of field properties under the NoteEditorSchema under image.
However, because forms don't support nested objects, we'll need to use a utility from Conform to help us out. Here's an example that resembles what you'll be doing:
// example inspired from the Conform docs
import {
	type FieldConfig,
} from '@conform-to/react'

function Example() {
	const [form, fields] = useForm<Schema>({
		// ... config stuff including the schema

	return (
		<form {...form.props}>
			<AddressFields config={fields.address} />

function AddressFields({ config }: { config: FieldConfig<Address> }) {
	const ref = useRef<HTMLFieldSetElement>(null)
	const fields = useFieldset(ref, config)
	return (
		<fieldset ref={ref}>
			<input {...conform.input(fields.street)} />
			<input {...conform.input(fields.zipcode)} />
			<input {...conform.input(} />
			<input {...conform.input(} />
We'll also get our type by using Zod's inference utility:
const RocketSchema = z.object({
	// ...
type RocketType = z.infer<typeof RocketSchema>

function RocketFields({ config }: { config: FieldConfig<RocketType> }) {
	// ...
So, fundamentally, we want to make this change:
	title: string
	content: string
	imageId: string
	file: File
	altText: string
	image: {
		id: string
		file: File
		altText: string
And we want that hooked up to our form. That should be enough to get you going!