Add / Remove Items

Being able to have a list of images isn't all that useful if user's can't add or remove items to and from the list. The trouble with this is we normally need to worry about state in order to keep track of the lists. Conform handles this for us though. In fact, it goes further and allows us to add and remove items using the form itself. This means the add/remove functionality will work even if the JavaScript hasn't loaded on the page yet.
This gives us a nicer mental model than using state on the page.
To accomplish this, Conform uses a special "intent" button. It actually supports several things you may typically use state for. For example, if you want to give the user a "Validate" button which validates the form, but doesn't actually submit it, you could do that with Conform's validate intent.
Enough with the words, let's look at an example. This probably looks familiar since it's the same one we used in the last step:
import { useForm, useFieldList, list } from '@conform-to/react'

 * Consider the schema as follows:
type Schema = {
	items: string[]

function Example() {
	const [form, { items }] = useForm<Schema>()
	const itemsList = useFieldList(form.ref, items)

	return (
		<fieldset ref={ref}>
			{, index) => (
				<div key={item.key}>
					{/* Setup an input per item */}
					<input name={} />

					{/* Error of each item */}

					{/* Setup a delete button (Note: It is `items` not `item`) */}
					<button {...list.remove(, { index })}>Delete</button>

			{/* Setup a button that can append a new row with optional default value */}
			<button {...list.insert(, { defaultValue: '' })}>add</button>
But it does require a little change to our action because Conform will actually submit the form in the no-JS case and we don't want to process the form's submission if the user's just adding/removing items. So we need to add a check in our action to return the submission if the intent is not submit. For example:
const submission = parse(formData, {
	schema: RocketSchema,

if (submission.intent !== 'submit') {
	// I guess they're doing something other than submitting, so we'll just send
	// the submission back and not process it.
	return json({ status: 'idle', submission } as const)

// they're submitting, let's go!
Let's add a "❌" button to delete images and a "βž• Image" button to add new images.